Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Our Tuesday Morn

  It's oh so rainy this Tuesday morn.  Which is perfect for our weather themed month.  Bean's  been getting familiar with the different (and in her opinion very funny) cloud names.  Actually when she heard a clash of thunder this morning she whispered in a very frightened voice *gasp* 'oh gosh there's a cumolodimbus cloud out there.." (eh..close enough), and proceeded to keep watch near the window for a lightening show, which to her are cooler than fireworks:)
At our visit to the library yesterday we found some pretty gnarly books on weather. Here's some of our good finds!

        This book is super! We read this last night and again for circle time this morning. I just love how all the info is written in a fun, rhyming way and just captivates kids. I need to own all of these books. I will make that one of my goals.

  We started doing a circle time in the mornings which consists of calendar time, the weather we see outside, some songs and a story...
At calendar time we'll put a star sticker on the day of the month and follow the column up to see the day of the week. Then Bean proceeds to tear off the paper days of the week attached to the wall and trys to find the right ones.  Then we'll look out to the weather and find out what suits our weather spinnermajig best.
Here is my improvised, very inexpensive, calendar area..The calendar was given to us by Bean's awesome great aunt and I got the weather spinnermajig and days of the week at Target for a dollar.

  Awhile back, maybe when Bean's was 2.5, I tried a scheduled morning..but no..that didn't work at all then.  So then I tried again about a month and a half back and now she really responds well to it. She seriously really likes looking at our schedule and figuring what'll be coming next. So I learned something  very important that most parents learn in their parenting journey..Even if your kid doesn't respond well or seem to like something at first it doesn't mean you shouldn't try to reintroduce it in the future, because kido will probably really like it then (the other night Bean's ate a bunch of broccoli and liked it!!! what!?!) try, try again. and again and again.
This is our morning schedule..(which isn't always followed to the t but mostly it is)
  After circle time Bean's can pick any activity from her closet shelves and she wanted to play math today.  I got these really cool table scatter fishies,shells, and animals on super clearance at Target (I<3 target) and they make great counters.  I found that cool felt math board at Michaels on clearance.

     I found this Leapfrog Letter Game at goodwill for 2 bucks! It's Bean's favorite game ever:) It helps reinforce counting colors,phonics, before and after concepts, taking turns, logic and all that good stuff. The only downside is that it's been missing the letter M since we bought it, which bums the kid out sometimes.

    Bean's then wanted to play with these cards.  These were given as a gift in her 2nd birthday and they're so awesome.  They're pretty much picture flahcards and we make up a story as we pick out pictures and we write the story down and then read the story all together after picking out maybe 8 - 12 pictures. (pardon the half naked 3 yr old, we're battling her issues with clothes lately)

  Bean's is starting to catch on to my blogging during her snack ...until next time:)

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