Well never mind the 'virus'. I shut down this thing expecting it blow up or something of the sort. I kept getting warnings saying 'Are you SURE you want to shut down? Your computer is going to crash.' in a mocking 'haha' sort of way, as I began to sweat and panic. Thoughts of Brian coming home to find his beloved mac fritzing or seizing or smoking at the edges, then asking me in a slow motion type of way.."what ha ppened to my com pu terrr!?' began to consume me. After relieving my warrior cry (whimper really) I shut it down and turned it back on..waiting for it to do something scary..password - check; menu screen -check; click on safari...yay! It's all good! That was scary. I'll never look for suzuki lesson plans again. It must be a sign that I just need to get certified one way or the other.
Enough about that! Scarlett and I tried this great new website called Kinderbach.
It's very engaging for a preschooler ( well, mine at least, but it seems hard to get her involved in much lately) and they give you two free weeks without having to sign up for the program:) It's starts with a listening program of high - low sounds and then the story of poor poor Dodi the donkey, whose new house is built on the two black keys. So then Beans actually started to play the two black keys simultaneously calling for dodi and on tempo! Yay Beanpie! We will continue the program and sign up soon. I've had a hard time teaching Beans guitar..She's learned to play a variation of the first part of 'Twinkle' 1/4 of the way, but she doesn't seem to enjoy it much so we won't be trying again until she asks. She says she really wants to go to violin school. If she hears a violin in a piece of music or a song she'll ask if I hear it too ( like she thinks she's losing her mind or something ha!) Violin school would be $100/mo for private and for lessons at the patel conservatory $220/mo for private and group (ugh). We may have to wait a bit. Today I have planned more pipe cleaner sculptures. Here are some we made at the art class!
I also want to do an Earth day project..maybe a terrarrium..agh she wakes!
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