Monday, April 23, 2012

we all fall down

  Broken computers, missing cameras, lack of ideas, confusion, exhaustion, bouts of depresion, numb feelings have taken up a lot of days in which I've been absent from here.  Also, lots of adventures, hugs, friendships, learning, and I love you's.  I feel the toll not jotting down everything has taken.  I don't like that feeling very much!  Beans has grown bunches and gone through many changes, phases, and obstacles, and we're ready for more.  Yesterday was Earth Day and we decided to get up and go on a bike ride adventure to Sweetwater Farm a local organic farm open on sundays to the public with vendors, workshops and more.  We counted butterflies, dragonflies and lots of trash:(  We got caught in the rain, then under a bridge and biked and biked for about an hour.  It was a fun adventure and I would happily do it again in a heartbeat!  The farm is a wonderful place where kids can get dirty, make friends, listen to live music and eat organic goodies, also learn bunches about farming. I;m hoping to post some pics.. this computer isn't even mine..hmm